Gazpromneft-Lubricants that produces Gazpromneft premium engine oils is launching a global online campaign “Trusted by Millions” / #trustedbymillions which will reach users of the company’s products around the world!

All Gazpromneft clients of engine oils are invited to take a photo of themselves with a canister of Gazpromneft engine oil in a pack from 1L to 20L at a retail point of sale, at a service station or next to a car and post the photo on their social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram or VKontakte). To participate in the promotion the post must be accompanied by geotagging and hashtags #trustedbymillions and #gazpromneft.

The promotion will simultaneously take place in 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America from November 30 to December 30, 2020. During this time an interactive map will appear on a special site which will unite users around the world and everyone will be able to find like-minded people in the choice of motor oil.

All participants are automatically included in the quizzes with prizes from Gazpromneft that will be useful on trips: smartphones, backpacks, suitcase covers, glasses, key rings, etc. The drawing will be held every week in three nominations: “Most Popular Photo”, “Best Review” and “Randomly choiced winner ”.

Detailed information on the terms of participation can be found on the website:

Taking into account the vast geography of the campaign the site will be adapted into 8 languages: English, French, Spanish, Greek, Bulgarian, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Russian.

Gazpromneft oils are known in 86 countries around the world and protect millions of engines that gives confidence to drivers around the world. The use of high quality oils with the use of modern additive packages ensures guaranteed engine protection in different climatic zones. The company’s products have over 400 approvals and approvals from leading equipment manufacturers.

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