The Russian Export Center has announced Gazpromneft-Lubricants to be a finalist of the nationwide “Exporter of the Year” award in two nominations at once: “Exporter of the Year in Industry” among large business representatives and “New Geography” for active development of foreign sales.

The criteria for choosing the winner were the volume and ramification of supplies, the range of high-tech products, the presence of foreign trademarks and dozens of indicators that track the development of the export direction of enterprises in dynamics.

The contest commission, which included experts from business associations, line ministries and the Russian Export Center, reviewed about two thousand applications from contesters.

At the year-end of 2020, Gazpromneft-Lubricants exported 35% of all its products. More than half of all oils in 1, 4 and 5 liter cans are exported abroad. These are premium motor oils under the Gazpromneft and G-Energy brands for retail customers. The products got more than 500 approvals and approvals from the world’s leading manufacturers of equipment, which include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Volvo, Renault, General Motors, MAN, Wartsila.

Every year we present about 60 new high-tech products. Our specialists work as part of the Association of the European Lubricants Industry and create formulations taking into account the requirements of the most advanced technologies appearing on the world market. In 2021, we continue to increase our presence in foreign markets. The geography of supplies has expanded to 102 countries and 350 ports of the world” said Anatoly Skoromets, General Director of Gazpromneft-Lubricants.

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