Gazpromneft Lubricants has begun wholesale trading in high-tech products on Gazprombank’s electronic trading platform as part of the Isource* ecosystem. More than 20 types of oils are currently available to industrial enterprises and road carriers.

The new mechanism for purchasing lubricants is available to Russian and foreign consumers and is set up in the format of online bidding. This ensures transparent pricing depending on demand volumes and logistical conditions.

All registered users of the platform are allowed to participate in the online trade. Participants keep track of conditions and every single move in an electronic personal account. The system automatically determines the best offer and leads through the necessary notifications on the deal.

Anatoly Skoromets, General Director of Gazpromneft Lubricants: “Electronic sales are an effective tool for selling oils in the wholesale channel, which can reduce the time from transaction to shipment of goods to the consumer by half. In the first auction alone, we sold about 30 thousand tons of products. In addition, we continue to actively promote automotive oils to retail customers in popular web stores.”

Previously, the company increased retail sales of oils online by 4% by expanding the product range on electronic platforms. Gazpromneft Lubricants sell more than 250 items of high-tech G-Energy and Gazpromneft oils through the largest web stores and specialized resources, such as Ozon, Wildberries, Yandex.Market, SberMegaMarket, AliExpress, 220 Volt and Citilink.


Isource is an ecosystem that brings together procurement, logistics, storage and education services in a single digital environment. With real physical processes integrated into digital space, customers and contractors can track the execution of mutual agreements and the progress of projects online. The solutions combined in Isource accompany the customer from the formation of the need to inventory management. The platform’s personalized solutions are implemented through progressive digital tools and advanced intelligent services. The Isource ecosystem is being developed by a joint venture between Gazpromneft Snabzhenie, the logistics operator of Gazprom Neft, and Gazprombank’s electronic trading platform (ETP GPB).

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